Before the interview:
Firstly the obvious things, check and double-check the date, time and location of your interview, and make sure you have allowed for travelling delays in your timings.
Next, make sure you have done your homework on not only the organisation itself but also the person who will be conducting the meeting. (Your consultant at Forward Option Staffing will be able to provide good background information on the company and role, as well as an insight into the people you are likely to meet.)
Preparing for your interview in advance and knowing your facts is essential if you are to succeed. You will be asked questions directly related to the position, industry and organisation – if you do not display a good understanding of these; it will hinder your progress in the process.
You will also be asked about your experience so it is always a good idea to prepare some anecdotes from within your career that may closely relate to the job to demonstrate your competencies.
First impressions:
First impressions are critical; psychologists will tell you that you are evaluated within seconds of contact, so it’s worth paying attention to your visual presence to make sure you’re perceived as a visual fit for the company.
Typically this means professional business dress but add your style, by accessorising. If you feel good about how you look, you will demonstrate this with confidence and confidence in your style!
Also, think about your body language. A strong handshake when you first meet your interviewer is always received well. Follow this with regular eye contact throughout the interview. This will suggest confidence and more importantly, integrity in what you are saying and also may put the interviewer at ease.
Of course, an interview is about you selling yourself for the role. However, listening is also vital. An interview is essentially a conversation, so it is important to listen to what you are being told. When asked a question, write it down if you like, so you can focus on answering the question directly. Be open and honest and also animated when you can be.
Enthusiasm is so important! Your interviewer wants to see that you are interested, so demonstrate this to them. If you are faced with a difficult question, stay calm and take a minute to think about your answer. If you don’t know the answer, say so. Your interviewer will be more impressed by your being honest than stumbling through an ill-considered answer.
Your turn to talk:
Interviews are two-way meetings, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and relate to your experience throughout the interview. This will confirm your interest and enthusiasm, creating a stronger rapport with your interviewer.
The structure:
Most interviews follow a similar structure – introductions, an overview of the role/company, a set of questions from the employer to help establish your suitability and then an opportunity for you to ask questions before concluding the meeting.
Remember to be factual and concise whilst avoiding one-word answers, stay calm and consider any response for a moment. The key is to remain positive, rely on the preparation you have done and be honest.
At the end of the interview:
With most of the hard work behind you, ensure you end the interview well. Leaving that lasting impression is key!
If you have enjoyed the interview and you are impressed with what you have seen in the company and heard about the role, be sure to say so, before you leave.
Ask about the next stage in the recruitment process. Will there be a further interview or a direct decision?
Ask the interviewer if they have any reservations about your suitability for the role (If they do then this is your chance to put their mind at ease before you leave)
If you are keen, leave the interviewer in no doubt that you want the role. This could be the clincher between you and someone else, who may not have shown the same levels of enthusiasm. Wanting the job is a critical criterion to an employer – Let them know it!